We have divided our services into four main categories:
- Architecture
- Interior
- Landscape
- Solutions for Developers
However, we want to clarify right away that this is merely a formal division. In reality, during the working process, we tackle numerous related, complex, and non-trivial tasks that lie at the intersection of various disciplines.
Its quite difficult to formalize and systematize our services because each case is unique. Our many years of experience show that people come to us with a particular approach to space and a unique lifestyle. Therefore, the tasks they set for us go beyond "just architecture" or "just design."
To understand this better, take a look at our completed projects. We had to come up with ways to harmoniously combine Japanese and Islamic cultures within a single house in the Moscow region, apply the principles of Japanese landscape design in the Altai Mountains, place a forest and park in a skyscraper, or install a spa underground, among many other equally extraordinary challenges. By carrying out these projects, we brought to life a dream our clients entrusted to us.
Each case is unique not only because every client is unique, but also because our clients think about space in more expansive and profound categories. They are not afraid to dream and go beyond the conventional or trendy; they want to create a place that resonates and is proportionate to them, reflecting and complementing who they are.
In short, if you need a unique solution for any object—be it private, public, museum, park, or otherwise—we would be glad to discuss your project and offer a solution not just at the level of architecture, but also at the level of the values and ideas that matter to you.