Ideologist Integration
In the 21st century, a store is not just a place for money-goods/services exchange, it is a place where brands can contact their customers and communicate their UVP and benefits. Companies use this opportunity to build a true and genuine connection with their audience through architecture, interiors and various space design techniques.
With retail massively shifting online, physical space is taking on a new level and gaining value in communications and loyalty management. We see stores evolution: from brick-and-mortar format to locations with brand-unique ambience and experiences.
We believe that the right synergy of A&D and brand's visual identity can make a brand stand out and deliver the physical and emotional experience that shoppers are looking for offline. Seamless and natural brand integration is our priority. Just as a host invites you in, a brand opens its doors to a customer. Surprising shapes and material combinations, functional technical solutions, flexible and versatile design create an ambience and setting that encourages people to interact with the space and each other thus delivering an immersive, authentic and engaging brand experience.
We create and design both permanent POS: stores, boutiques, offices, galleries, and temporary points of presence: pop-up corners, bars, show stands for forums and exhibitions.
Furthermore, Ideologist can to integrate brands into existing spaces (restaurants, hotels, public buildings, urban environment, etc.) effectively for the brand in terms of its visibility and message and seamlessly for the designated environment.