A House in Japanese Style

Recently, private architecture has been experiencing a renaissance. People have grown tired of overcrowded cities, poor environmental conditions, noise, and artificial lighting, and those with the means are seeking to move to the countryside. One possible architectural solution for a country house is a Japanese-style home.
Modern Japanese architecture is renowned worldwide. In the past 30 years, the Pritzker Architecture Prize, awarded to outstanding architects, has been won by seven representatives from Japan – more than from any other country! However, they do not only build public structures; many renowned Japanese architects and firms also design private houses in the Japanese style. Moreover, many Japanese individuals turn to architectural firms to get a custom-designed house. Of course, most people buy ready-made homes from large developers, but those with the financial resources often prefer to purchase a Japanese-style house designed by an architect.

The Popularity of Private Japanese Architecture
One reason for the popularity of custom-designed homes is the size of land plots near cities. In Tokyo and other large cities, building plots can have very peculiar shapes or be quite small, making it impossible to place a standard Japanese-style house. In these cases, numerous Japanese architectural firms view such plots as a challenge to their expertise.
The second and perhaps primary reason is the opportunity to express individuality through architecture. Nowadays, a house is not just a place for storing belongings and sleeping. It is perceived as a sanctuary where one can rest physically and spiritually. A private house now extends beyond mere functionality and resonates with the personal values of both its owner and creator. Additionally, the aesthetics of translucency, lightness, and clean lines have long been a dominant trend in design and architecture, with Japan being a clear leader in these trends. Perhaps this is why photos of Japanese-style homes appear in all publications dedicated to architecture and design. For those who follow architectural trends, a house in the modern Japanese style becomes the best choice.

Modern Japanese Architecture in Russia
Large projects in Russia attract foreign architects, including Japanese studios. For instance, “Gazprom Arena,” which hosted the 2018 World Cup, was built according to the design of the famous Kisho Kurokawa. The major Japanese firm Nikken Sekkei worked on the façades of a residential complex in the Botanical Garden, and they are also designing the business complex for Sberbank. However, private Japanese-style houses in Russia are practically nonexistent, or little is known about them. This can be explained by the language barrier or cultural differences, which may deter Russian clients from seeking out Japanese architects.
One of the rare examples of a Japanese-style house in Moscow is a minimalist-style house on the Novorizhskoye Highway. Initially, the project was commissioned from a Russian designer, but the client was dissatisfied with the layout and functionality of the building. The company “Ideologist,” in collaboration with Japanese architect Yusuke Takahashi, developed the interior from scratch, incorporating all the client’s wishes. In addition, they thoughtfully planned the landscape design, as it is crucial for the Japanese to harmoniously integrate architecture with the surrounding space.