We recently took part in a tender to develop an artistic concept for a five-star hotel. Our client, a prominent company managing a global network of luxury hotels, was set to open a new complex in Moscow. Our task was to harmonize the hotel’s interiors with art pieces that would immerse guests in Russian culture, offering them a unique journey through different cultural elements, all within the confines of one hotel.

In line with our client’s brand, which emphasizes local art and cultural references in each of their hotels, we selected the theme of Russian cultural codes. Our aim was to showcase Russian art beyond common stereotypes, captivating even the most discerning guests.

We leveraged the varied functionality of the hotel’s spaces to present an array of Russian cultural codes. The collection included contemporary artworks, ancient crafts, decorative elements, and applied arts.

In the hotel’s main restaurant — which boasts views of the historic Moscow Kremlin — we chose gold as a central design element, rich with cultural significance. Gold symbolizes not only the opulence of royal and imperial palaces but also holiness, as seen in the golden backgrounds of Russian iconography. The term “golden” in Russian culture evokes images of exceptional beauty, like a golden field or a golden heart.

In the restaurant-library, we drew inspiration from the Cyrillic script and the tradition of embellishing texts with decorative lettering. One notable piece integrated into the interior was a calligraphic work by Pokras Lampas, which beautifully bridges tradition and contemporary art.

For the hallways, typically places where guests are alone and moving, we embraced the concept of the road—a symbol present in many cultures but especially meaningful in Russia, known for its vast distances. The road signifies not just a physical pathway but also a journey of knowledge and spiritual growth.

We also curated art for various room types, focusing on themes that evoke home, privacy, and tranquility. Themes like “First Snow,” “Summer at the Country House,” “Christmas,” and “Falling in Love” guided our selection of objects to set the perfect ambiance for each space.

Although the project was put on hold due to the pandemic’s impact on the hospitality industry, the experience enriched our team and opened new avenues for future projects.

Our art collection features works by:
Agata Belaya

Картина - Агата Белая, девочка на камне Картина - Агата Белая, 2 девушка


Olga Suvorova

Картина - Ольга Суворова, девушка с быком Картина - Ольга Суворова, 4 девушки Картина - Ольга Суворова, девушка и мужчина


Alexander Oligerov

Картина - Александр Олигеров


Anastasia Popova

Картина - Анастасия Попова, метель Картина - Анастасия Попова, снежные деревья


Grigory Lysak

Картина - Григорий Лысак


Grigory Pavlychev

Картина - Григорий Павлычев



Denis October

Картина - Денис Октябрь, трава

Картина - Денис Октябрь, горы


Dmitry Vasiliev

Картина - Дмитрий Васильев



Dmitry Shorin

Картина - Дмитрий Шорин, мужчина

Картина - Дмитрий Шорин, девушка и самолет


Ksenia Dronova


Картина - Дронова Ксения, лошадь

 Картина - Дронова Ксения, равнина


Vladimir Dubosarsky

Картина - Дубосарский Владимир


Elizaveta Borodinova

Картина - Елизавета Бородинова


Stanislav Krupp

Картина Станислава Круппа



Картина - RemA
